Code of Conduct
God places authorities over all of us. We should recognize authority as such and willingly submit to the authorities in our lives whether it is the government, a parent, a pastor, or an institution. While you are a student at PIBS, the Institute faculty and staff are responsible for leadership and oversight. If a situation should arise requiring discipline, it will always be done out of love for the individual and a desire to see them reach their full potential in Christ (Proverbs 3:11-12).
Biblical discipline is redemptive in that it seeks to warn, instruct, and correct the member of the community in a way that offers forgiveness and ushers the individual back into a restored relationship with the community. While forgiveness does not mean an absence of consequences, it does mean that the relationship is mended and restored.
Our process involves the following guidelines which are set in Matthew 18:15-17. This passage prescribes that the “concerned person” speaks with the “offender” on an individual level. If the person fails to respond, the “concerned person” then takes another with him or her to speak with the “offender” about the matter. Finally, if there is still no change in the “offender’s” actions or attitudes, the “concerned person” hands the situation over to the appropriate authority. It is our prayer that individual confrontation be the level at which matters are resolved. The goal in this is always restoration and it should never be about bringing shame or punishment upon a brother or sister in Christ.
Consequences may include probation, dismissal, accountability groups, counseling, or whatever else is deemed necessary by the President, Vice-President, Dean and Associate Dean of Academic and Student Affairs.
Weapons - As a community that values the worth of human life, we do not allow students to possess any kind of weapon, weapon replica or recreational device that presents a risk of injury or property damage, including, but not limited to pellet guns, firearms, archery equipment, knives, swords, martial arts weaponry or improvised tools capable of inflicting similar injuries. Any weapons found on campus are subject to confiscation. Students found to be in possession of them will be subject to disciplinary action and local law enforcement.